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Writer's pictureDr. Robyn Short

Create Peace in the Workplace

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

The Workplace Peace Institute is on a mission to create highly engaged workplaces where dignity is consistently honored and experienced. Dignity is the inherent worth and value of all living beings. Research conducted by Gallup found that when basic human needs and dignity are honored in the workplace, employees contribute back to the organization at higher levels.

Research conducted by Workplace Peace Institute found that a core requirement of experiencing dignity in the workplace is having one’s voice genuinely heard and the experience of having one’s authentic self fully embraced and honored. The ability to have one’s voice authentically heard, appreciated, and sought cultivates the necessary trust to develop and sustain employee engagement.

In order for employees to show up authentically and amplify their voices in the workplace, they must experience psychological safety both by leadership and their peers — this is especially critical for people of color and LGBTQIA employees. Employees need to have their identities fully accepted in the workplace. This experience of having one’s voice heard, empowers employees to act independently and autonomously. When this behavior is acknowledged and affirmed, employees are motivated and engagement becomes self-perpetuating.

Our research demonstrates that a workplace culture of peace is necessary to achieve a highly engaged workforce. Peace, in this context, is human security and the ability to live a life if dignity that is free of fear. The Workplace Peace Institute takes a systems approach to organizational development to bring positive peace to the workplace.

A system is a collection of components that interact together to perform a particular function. In the workplace, this system includes the organizational paradigm that informs how the organization conducts business, builds culture, and sustains innovation and growth; the mission, vision, and values that serve as the foundation of the workplace culture; the corporate messaging that activates the culture; the leadership model that shapes workplace behavior and individual and collective performance; and the conflict resolution mechanisms that influence interpersonal relationships and promote positive productivity in the workplace.

An organizational system is more than the sum of its individual components, as the broader interactions within the system also affect the way the individual components themselves operate, interact, and relate to one another. Organizations that commit to designing, implementing, and sustaining a workplace culture of peace, bring to life a healthy functioning system that is able to grow and evolve in accordance to its own evolutionary purpose and that of its members.

A workplace system of positive peace creates the optimum environment for human potential to flourish. And when people thrive, organizations thrive.


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