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Writer's pictureDr. Robyn Short

The Neuroscience of Trust

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Watch this webinar to increase your knowledge of the skills and competencies associated with high-trust leaders.

Download the Neuroscience of Trust presentation slides

Trust is the belief that the words and actions of one’s leadership and coworkers will reliably align and that workplace processes will produce results that are in the best interest of the organization’s members, mission, and purpose.

Research conducted by Workplace Peace Institute found that the single most important factor of cultivating trust in the workplace is creating an environment in which all voices are heard. Additionally, employees need to personally experience equity — fairness and impartiality in all aspects of their work — and they need to witness the same equity among their coworkers across the organization.

In this webinar, participants will learn about the intricate feedback loop that exists within the human neurological system that is designed to build and maintain human-to-human connection. This feedback loop is foundational to how we build and sustain trust.

In the Neuroscience of Trust webinar, you will learn the …

  • Connection between basic human needs and trust

  • Neuroscience of how trust is cultivated and sustains

  • Behaviors that build and maintain trust

Deepen your understanding of leadership trust in the Leading with Trust & Integrity course taught by Dr. Betty Iglesias Snyder.

Learning Facilitator

Neuroscience of Trust presented by Dr. Robyn Short

Dr. Robyn Short is an organization systems design consultant, peace-building trainer, and mediator with expertise in restorative practices and transformative mediation models. Dr. Short works with individuals, corporations, and nonprofit organizations in discovering the root causes of conflicts, so they may transform their relationships and create new and productive paths forward individually, as teams, and ultimate as an organization. She also works with community leaders and political and governmental leaders to develop initiatives for building sustainable peace in areas of historic conflict. In this capacity, she has been featured in news outlets internationally.

As the founder of three organizations, Dr. Short understands the challenges founder/CEOs face when operating at the intersection of passion and purpose. She is particularly interested in supporting leaders in creating purpose-driven organizations that are able to harness the benefits of our diverse workplaces by embedding dignity into all aspects of the business.

Dr. Short has completed Warrior for the Human Spirit training — a 60-hour training program led by Margaret Wheatley to support leaders in harnessing compassion and insight as they navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world. She is currently studying with Somatic Experiencing International to become a practitioner of the SE™ method — a body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders.

Dr. Short is the author of four books and has served as an adjunct professor at Southern Methodist University in the Master of Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution program, the Master of Leadership and Negotiation at Bay Path University, and the College of Innovation and Design at Texas A&M Commerce. She is a frequent guest lecturer at Pepperdine University's Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution and Creighton University's Master of Conflict and Dispute Resolution program. Dr. Short holds a Doctor of Liberal Studies degree with a focus in peace studies and systems design. She holds a Master of Art in Dispute Resolution from Southern Methodist University and a Master of Liberal Arts from Southern Methodist University with a focus in 15th century European history. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Auburn University. Dr. Short teaches Dignity Intelligence, Restorative Justice in the Workplace, and A Paradigm Shift in DEI for the WPI Leadership Academy.


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