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Engaging a Multigenerational Workforce

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Course Description

This 2.5-hour course is ideal for existing leaders, emerging leaders, HR professionals, and any professional who wants to have more authentic cross-generational workplace relationships. Today’s workforce includes the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. With regard to generational diversity, this is the most diverse workforce in modern history. Baby Boomers are staying in the workforce longer than any other generation and Generation Z is coming into the workforce with expectations traditional leaders have never encountered. To thrive, we all must deepen our understanding of the expectations of each generation so that we can create workplace cultures where each generation can thrive. In this online, self-paced course, you will learn the … — Differentiators for each generation — Fears and concerns for each generation — Leadership knowledge and skills that optimize the contributions of each generation Learn how our expectations of employee accountability correlate to four core pillars of workplace culture with opportunities to reflect and brainstorm on how to embed foundational human needs in each of these pillars. This course is taught by Dr. Robyn Short. Dr. Short engages learners with multidisciplinary research, effective strategies for growing as leaders in a modern workplace, and storytelling. Her friendly, down-to-earth approach allows participants to lean into the subject matter and learn from a place of joy and connection.

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