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Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Watch this webinar to increase your knowledge of the skills and competencies associated with emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence has been an important topic of discussion and study for the past several years. A growing body of research indicates that individuals with a high level of emotional intelligence can see a positive impact on their professional life. Those with higher emotional intelligence can communicate more effectively, build strong relationships with individuals and teams, manage conflict, and have more satisfaction and joy. Employees with higher EQs are promoted more often than those who lack emotional intelligence. It is also a determining factor on many hiring decisions. With practice you can learn how to develop your emotional intelligence.

Watch Leading with Emotional Intelligence to learn …

● What emotional intelligence is and why it is a leadership imperative

● The core competencies of emotional intelligence and how they relate to effective leadership

● Behaviors associated with emotionally intelligent leaders

● Practices for increasing your emotional quotient

Click here to enroll in the 6-hour, online, self-paced course on Social & Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence Learning Facilitator

Emotional Intelligence Trainer & Raciflitator

Dara Rossi, PhD is a leadership coach that is passionate about the personal and professional development of others. She is certified in EQi 2.0 and EQ 360 to help her clients understand and apply Emotional Intelligence skills and behaviors that support their success and happiness. Dara’s coaching style reflects her belief that everyone can play a little bigger, and she is dedicated to fully understanding her clients, their role, career path, and workplace challenges to help them achieve their goals and realize their full potential. She is an ICF-credentialed coach with an MBA and a master’s degree in Dispute Resolution. In addition to coaching, Dara teaches graduate leadership courses and enjoys facilitating training and development programs. Dr. Rossi teaches Social & Emotional Intelligence for the WPI Leadership Academy.


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